This law has been abrogated because of the new situation. 因为新的形势,这个法律已经被废除了。
But we cannot afford to wait for so-called natural market forces, or for the "blind" law of supply and demand, to correct the situation. 但是,我们不能坐等所谓的自然市场力量,或“盲目的”供求法则,来矫正眼前的状况。
The work employment mechanism of China has regulated in the employment law of the world under the whole world of economy situation. 经济全球一体化条件下中国劳动就业机制受到世界就业规律的调节。
But the coal industry is different with other industry, it has the certain particularity and the law of development. We must aim at the present situation and the question of the coal enterprise to choose its advantageous and reasonable development strategy. 但煤炭行业不同于其他行业,有其一定的特殊性和发展规律,因此,必须针对煤炭企业的现状和问题,选择有利于其合理发展的战略思路。
Because of the importance, the rulers in all dynasties focused greatly on the adjustment and perfection of the law of population registration to suit the changing situation, to enhance their own leadership, to maintain the social stability, especially the stability of the rural society. 鉴于它的重要性,历代统治者十分重视对户籍法的不断调整和完善,以适应不断变化的形势,强化自身的统治,维护社会的稳定,特别是农村社会的稳定。
It is of significance in practice to analysis the variance law and trend of Wenzhou population structure and understand the severe situation that the social security system environment. 认真分析温州人口结构变化的规律与趋势,深刻认识社会保障制度所面临的严峻形势,对于加快完善温州社会保障制度具有重大的现实意义。
This thesis bases on the introduction of the special environment protecting law system of developed countries analysis the current situation and the contemporary special areas environmental protecting law system of our country and then put forward hypothesis and thinking on the legislation of our special areas environment protection law. 本文通过介绍国外发达国家的特殊区域环境保护法律体系,分析我国特殊区域环境保护法律制度及立法现状,对我国特殊区域环境保护立法提出思考和设想。
Measuring data are based on to analyze the development law of the fissures of basement, the injection situation of pulp around inter-faces of fissured beds, and the effective expanding radius of pulp and waterproof results. 根据井简实测资料,分析基岩裂隙的发育规律、裂隙层界面的浆波充填情况、实际浆液有效扩散半径及堵水效果。
Based on the collection of the information on the estate bubbles from the home and abroad, this dissertation analyses the features of real estate market, the law of supply and demand, the existing situation of Chinese market, and the reasons causing real estate bubbles. 本文在收集大量国内外房地产泡沫研究资料的基础上,分析了房地产市场的特征、房地产供求规律、我国当前房地产市场的特殊性以及房地产泡沫产生的原因。
It is difficult to effectively apply the law of literary property in Internet for the present technical situation in network. 网络的技术特性使得原有的著作权保护制度难以有效地在这一领域发挥作用,针对网络作品的侵权行为愈演愈烈即是一大例证。
At the end, this paper raises some specific suggestions for the anti-trust law of Chinathrough combining the current situation of China's suffering from the international hardcore cartels. 最后,本文结合中国受到国际核心卡特尔侵害的现状,对中国反垄断法提出了若干具体建议。
At the same time, we regard cross-style language from stylistics as an equitable choice, which reflects a law of the development of literature and social culture situation, and a dialectical unity of self-discipline and discipline of literature and art. 同时认为,跨体式语言既是文学内部发展机制的必然趋势及其对社会历史文化语境的合理选择,更是文学艺术的他律性与自律性的辩证统一。
The Imperfection of the Cultivated Manners and the Rectifying Measures of the Education Law of Teachers in Primary and Junior HighSchool Under the New Situation 浅析中小学教师教育法律素养的缺失及补救措施
This method both accords with the law of learning the language and tallies with the actual situation of English teaching in our country. It deserve to be further developed and improved in teaching practice. 该教学方法既符合语言学习规律,又符合当前我国英语教学的实际情况,值得在教学实践中进一步探讨、改善和验证。
Basing on the general evolutionary law of agricultural structure, this paper analyses the present situation in Southern Jiangsu, and points out that its structural evolution is not harmonized with the regular level of regional economy. 本文在总结农业内部结构演变一般规律的基础上,分析了苏南农业内部结构的现状,指出其结构演进与区域经济整体水平不相适应。
The fourth part, this text has introduced Securities Law of our country about manipulating also the legal structure of current situation. 第四部分,本文介绍了我国证券法有关市场操纵行为的法律规制现状。
The writer inquires into the necessity of the legislation of a uniform execution law from the angle of the legislative situation, the legal position of the criminal execution, the inner regular pattern of the criminal execution and the essence of the criminal execution. 笔者侧重从立法的现状、刑事执行的法律地位、刑事执行的内在规律、本质属性去探讨刑事执行统一立法的必要性。
The result showed: The decision law of the grey situation is a kind of more comprehensive quantization analytical method of analysing the new variety of the maize, and have remedied the deficiency of the traditional analytical method. 结果表明:灰色局势决策法是分析玉米新品种的一种较为全面的量化分析方法,弥补了传统分析方法的不足。
Further analysis of phenomena of economic law and re-examination of concepts of economic law are beneficial to the adjustment of research situation of economic law in China in order to get out of the frustrating situation. 进一步分析经济法现象,重新审视经济法理念,将有助于调整我国经济法学研究的态势,以摆脱目前令人困扰的处境。
This is the main part of this article. According to the basic law of the moral education and the current situation of the modern tele-education, analyze the content, the teaching staff, ancillary software, teaching management and evaluation. 这部分是本文的重点,根据德育的基本规律以及现代远程教育的发展现状,从德育内容、德育队伍、德育课件、德育教学管理和评估等方面进行详细的分析,提出自己的思考。
If we to guarantee the equal employment opportunities, we should introduce lawmaking experience of anti-employment discrimination in developed countries. We should establish and improve the law system of anti-employment discrimination, which suits the situation of our country. 保障劳动者平等就业机会的实现,应通过借鉴发达国家反就业歧视的立法经验,建立和完善适合我国国情的反就业歧视法律制度。
Criminal law is the final defence of individual basic interests under the situation that the interests cannot be protected by other measures completely and effectively. 刑法作为最后一条防线,其所保护的利益必须是社会个体生活之必须,或者通过其他部门发无法完全、有效保护的利益。
It makes some comment and proposal on relevant regulation regarding vertical monopoly agreements in anti-monopoly law on basis of analyzing the situation on the present society and economy. 本章在分析了我国当前社会经济状况的基础上,对我国《反垄断法》中涉及纵向垄断协议的相关规定作了自己的评价并提出建议。
At the same time, the author makes a argument about the necessity of the criminal law regulation of the network violence and the situation if the network violence constitute a crime. 本文在阐释网络暴力的概念、特征、分类的前提下,对网络暴力进行刑法规制的必要性进行论述,论证网络暴力中构成犯罪的情形,对如何以刑法规制网络暴力提出自己的构想。
This article through to the continental law system, Anglo-American law system, and the law system of HK, Macao, Taiwan, combined with the situation of China, puts forward legislative proposals to the executor system of our country. 本文通过对大陆法系、英美法系、我国港澳台地区对遗嘱执行人制度的分析对比,结合我国的实际情况,对我国遗嘱执行人制度的完善提出了立法建议。
In recent years, national Customs has a number of cases of administrative compensation, which deeply reflect the incompatibility between the law enforcement of Customs and the demand for the situation development. 近年来,全国海关连续发生多起行政赔偿案件,深刻地反映出海关的整体执法水平与形势发展的要求还不相适应,通关监管工作还存在一些不和谐因素。
Establishment part including our current participation in environmental administrative law system, the problem of the causes of the current situation and the plight of the administrative involvement of the public environment in China. This predicament is an effective way to participate in public environment. 而制度构建部分则包括我国日前环境行政参与的相关法律制度、我国公众环境行政参与的现状和困境以及这种困境产生的原因,公众环境行政参与的有效途径等问题。
The victim-offender-reconciliation needs mediators who are skilled in law, have a full knowledge of the social situation and public opinions, well-trained and who are fair in dispute settlement. 刑事和解需要精通法律、知晓社情民意、训练有素的调解人,需要公正公平进行和解的调解人。
The fair use system, is a legal in certain conditions, allowing others to use the works protected by the copyright law without the permission of the copyright owner of the situation, and do not have a system to pay the. 合理使用制度,是指法律在在一定条件的下,允许他人在不经著作权人许可的情况下使用受著作权法保护的作品,且不必向其支付报酬的一种制度。
And then illustrates the frustration of many theories, but frustration of rationale should be the principle of good faith. Last also illustrates the frustration in the common law and civil law system of the major countries of the legislative situation. 然后阐述了情事变更原则的诸多理论学说,但情事变更原则的理论根据应该是诚实信用原则。最后还阐述了情事变更原则在英美法系和大陆法系主要国家的立法现状。